My health journey.

First and foremost, I only offer this information to help you decide if I am a good fit for you and to figure out if it would be helpful to meet with someone who has, either in a big or small way, walked a similar path to yours. I also want to ensure that your sessions and your decisions are yours and I feel that disclosing my health issues in a session may take up too much space. So, instead, you will find it below.

I am a two-time cancer survivor. I was first diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2014 when I was 29 years old. It was graded as stage 1b1 and was successfully treated with a cone biopsy, hysterectomy including the removal of my cervix, and lymph node removal. I made the decision at that time to preserve my ovaries but remove my fallopian tubes as it significantly reduces your risk of ovarian cancer.

In 2017, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through genetic testing, we identified the BRCA2 gene in my family. I was tested soon after and learned that I too had the gene variant. Thus began the testing and decision making regarding high risk cancers. I chose ongoing surveillance through mammograms, MRIs, and vaginal ultrasounds.

Also in 2017, I developed lymphedema in my right leg as a result of the surgery in 2014. I immediately started manual lymphatic drainage and ordered my first compression garments.

Then, in 2022, following a routine MRI, a lump was detected in my right breast. After a biopsy, it was identified as ER+/HER2- stage 1 invasive ductal cancer. After contemplating a mastectomy years earlier, I decided that it was the best treatment option. The cancer was successfully treated with the bilateral mastectomy. I also chose immediate reconstruction with implants.

To further reduce my chances of recurrence and also to manage ovarian cancer risk, I had my ovaries removed in January of 2023 as well as started taking an aromatase inhibitor.

At this time, management of my diagnoses includes annual check ups, daily medication and continuing with my compression wear.