Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Feelings are dope as hell.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
CBT is an approach to therapy that focuses on the relationship between our thoughts and how we feel. CBT can both examine our present situation and help us manage challenging emotions and also help us understand why we think or believe what we do so we can make lasting change.
And what can I expect?
Feel It
Emotions are meant to be felt. That’s why they’re called feelings! Our emotions are important communicators and they provide us with so much information. If we’re happy, we know to connect to others, if we’re sad, we know we’ve lost something, and if we’re scared, we know there’s a bear and we need to run! Just kidding…I hope. But really, if we don’t allow ourselves to feel, it’s difficult to know what to do or how we should react. And for that reason, it’s important for us to feel our emotions.
Understand It
Our emotions are based off of perceptions. And our perceptions may be close to what actually is or they may be heavily influenced by our own distortions or fun-house mirrors of sorts. When we see and experience what is actually in front of us, our emotions are valid and should be felt because they’re communicating appropriate messages. However, if we see something different, our emotions won’t fit the situation and, therefore, provide the wrong information.
Work with it
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy adjusts our perceptions to meet our reality. CBT focuses on ensuring your beliefs and thoughts reflect reality to allow you to experience authentic emotions. This can be done over the course of only a few sessions. If you are interested in deeper-level changes CBT can help as well by shaping your core beliefs to be an accurate reflection of you, others, and the world around you.